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AliExpress Anniversary Sale with Up to 70% Off and Exclusive Coupon Codes Starts 18 March

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The much-awaited AliExpress Anniversary Sale is around the corner, scheduled from March 18th to March 27th, 2024. Get ready to seize incredible deals and savings opportunities on a wide range of products. The sale kicks off with a warm-up phase from March 15th to March 17th, allowing you to prepare and explore the enticing offers before the main event. Visit the coupons page and use promo codes to save big time.

During the sale period, customers worldwide can enjoy discounts of up to 70%, making it the perfect time to shop for your favorite items at unbeatable prices. Whether you’re looking for phones, laptops, earbuds, speakers, electronics, fashion, home essentials, or gadgets, the AliExpress Anniversary Sale has something for everyone. However, the AliExpress promo codes and coupons are limited in quantity.

Therefore, add to the cart the items you plan to buy before the AliExpress Anniversary sale starts. This can help you secure your stock and get surprise gifts or additional discounts during this mega sale event.

AliExpress Anniversary Sale Global Promo Codes

To maximize your savings, don’t forget to utilize the exclusive coupon codes available for various regions. For global shoppers, take advantage of codes like:

For customers in Brazil, special codes are up for grabs, including:

In the United States, exclusive AliExpress Anniversary Sale codes await:

Spanish shoppers can benefit from the following codes:

AliExpress Anniversary Sale promo codes for French customers:

Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to shop smart and save big during the AliExpress Anniversary Sale. Mark your calendars and get ready to indulge in a shopping spree like never before! Visit the coupons page to check out all of the AliExpress promo codes according to countries and global buyers. Explore all the exciting offers and discounts tailored just for you. Add the items you plan to buy to the cart before the sale starts, use promo codes according to your purchase amount and buy during March 18th to March 27th. Happy shopping!

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